A complete list of digital resources available through your Chinook Arch library.
The Athletic
In-depth, personalized sports journalism.
Libby presented by OverDrive
Thousands of ebooks and audiobooks to access on your mobile device or computer.
Newspapers and magazines from all over the world, just as they appear in print.
Movies, TV shows, ebooks, and audiobooks, instantly available for streaming or temporary download.
Hundreds of children’s e-books – fully animated with sound, music, and narration. This collection also includes games, videos, and language learning activities in English, French, and Spanish.
Find your next great read with NoveList's reading recommendations.
Read along with stories in many languages, including English and sign language. Download the app today!
Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection
Digital copies of historical newspapers from southern Alberta.
Newspaper Archive
Access full-text pages from historical issues of selected Albertan newspapers, including the Lethbridge Herald.
Calgary Herald Archive
Access full-text pages from past issues of the Calgary Herald.
Read Alberta Collection
Instantly check out ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines published in Alberta.